
Best Resources to Learn Personal Finance

Best Resources to Learn Personal Finance

When trying to learn personal finance, you may find your head spinning figuring out where to start. There are so many resources these days to pull from. You have books, websites, companies, apps, and blogs on personal finances. Determining what is best for you means knowing what your options are and how you learn the best. However, if your finances are taking a dive, consider asking a Tullahoma bankruptcy lawyer for help.


The two most commonly used online financial literacy resources are websites and apps. Certain websites provide a variety of financial resources for each of your financial questions and needs. They also provide links to financial literacy classes, online investing information, classes, programs, books, and financial assistance.

Whether you are looking for broad financial education or specific information, websites can provide this all. The specific financial information provided by websites includes resources about:

  • Mortgages
  • Insurance
  • Retirement
  • Bonds
  • College planning
  • Dealing with identity theft

When it comes to financial literacy apps, you have games, budgeting tools, and simulations. Games like FutureSmart, Biz Kid$, and Marketplaces are designed to make learning financial strategies more engaging. These can work well for people who do not like reading or find themselves easily bored. At the very least, financial games can introduce you to the world of financial literacy.

Financial simulations can help you prepare for the real world. When you are ready to start implanting the skills you learn from these games, financial programs can help. There are several financial budgeting and money tracking apps out there that can simplify your personal finances.


You can also try teaching yourself personal finance through books. There are hundreds of financial literacy books out there with effective tools for improving your finances. With these, you can learn anything from basic financial skills to advanced financial strategies that you can carry with you for life.

Some of the most recommended books for improving your personal finances include:

  • Everyday Millionaires by Chris Hogan
  • The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

The most helpful thing about books is you can find books tailored to your needs. If you need information on how to retire, there are financial books on retirement. When you need tips on recovering from a financial disaster, there are books on how to do this. What holds some people back from using books as a financial resource is all the reading involved.

Not everyone likes reading. Audiobooks, YouTube videos, and various online programs can provide alternatives to reading. Choosing the resources that work best for you depends on your personal needs and preferences.


When financial disasters strike, you may not be able to escape things like bankruptcy. Do not hesitate to contact us at Tom Bible Law by dialing (423) 690-7712 to explore all your financial options related to bankruptcy. Our dedicated team of Tennessee bankruptcy attorneys can walk you through what the process looks like. You can find us throughout the Tennessee cities of Chattanooga and Tullahoma.

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