Self-sabotaging behaviors are any behaviors that can prevent you from your ultimate goals. When these become intertwined with finances, money problems can build up fast. You may not have to let this happen to you. Take control of your finances by exploring different types of self-sabotaging behaviors and finding out which ones might apply to your situation. If you are struggling with bankruptcy, then try asking a Tullahoma bankruptcy attorney for help.
Common Financial Self-Sabotaging Behaviors
Self-sabotaging can happen consciously or without us even realizing it. There are several financial self-sabotaging behaviors that can hurt our financial future. What these all have in common is engaging in behaviors that prevent us from reaching our goals.
Money avoidance might be one of the most common forms of financial self-sabotaging. This happens when you avoid checking your bank account or anything related to money. What this can lead to is a lack of budgeting, lower savings, and debt that grows out of control.
The term lifestyle creep applies when more money is spent than earned. This usually creeps in around promotion times when people start spending more because they feel like they are making more. However, this can quickly lead to overspending.
Financial influences are almost everywhere, from financial advice given by loved ones to advertisements. Many people are influenced on how to use their money from these sources, often without realizing it. There are also self-sabotaging behaviors at work that can cause financial problems.
Saying yes to everyone will eventually lead to not having enough time or money. This can turn into saying yes to a poor financial decision. The trap of feeling like you cannot do anything about it can lead to inaction. This mindset will prevent you from taking any steps to overcome future obstacles.
How to Escape and Prevent Financial Self-Sabotage
Do not panic if you find yourself stuck in any of these self-sabotaging traps. The first step for escaping them is becoming aware of them. Identify which self-sabotaging behaviors you engage in. List them out if this helps.
Start taking steps for Overcoming Self-Sabotage to start fixing your financial difficulties. This involves thinking about any financial problems you usually respond to with self-sabotaging behaviors. Start thinking about outcomes that are different than the usual negative outcomes you imagine.
Imagine what would happen if more positive outcomes came true. Start listing out these positive outcomes. If you cannot think of any, then start problem-solving and coming up with possible solutions. Choose the solutions that seem most practical.
Once you have the practical solutions identified, break these down into smaller steps. Create a schedule to start taking these steps. Problem-solve any potential obstacles that could stand in the way.
Call Tom Bible Law Today for Legal Aid
Going through bankruptcy can feel disheartening. You may not have to go through this alone. Feel free to contact us at Tom Bible Law at 423-874-6628 today for guidance with bankruptcy. Our legal team of Tennessee Bankruptcy Lawyers can help you explore your financial options related to bankruptcy. We can be found in the Tennessee cities of Chattanooga and Tullahoma.